Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Improvement of Operational Management-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Talk about the Improvement of Operational Management identified with Fakir Fashion Limited Case Study. Answer: Presentation Operational administration is alluded to as one of the most significant activities that is carefully required to be attempted by any business association to expand their income structure. This specific exploration paper centers around those elements those are important to improve the operational administration of an organization in the RMG (Ready Made Garments) area named as Fakir Fashion Limited. This report delineates the effectiveness of operational administration that may improve the operational presentation in the RMG (Ready Made Garments) part of Bangladesh in Fakir Fashion Limited. Various reasons have been distinguished by the framework designers while dissecting the successful elements of creation productivity in the article of clothing area of Bangladesh. In the event that appropriate apparatuses and advances are not utilized, at that point the organizations will neglect to meet the common objective of the business association. Operational components may influence both emphatically just as adversely the exhibition of a business association (Dessler, Sutherland and Cole 2005). It has been discovered that the article of clothing fabricating industry of Bangladesh is confronting diverse material and creation level issues all through and so as to moderate the issues the organization ought to improve the operational administration so the hierarchical exhibition inside the RMG (Ready Made Garments) part could be upgraded, these are conspicuously explained in this exploration paper. Sound for the picked theme Due to the multidisciplinary idea of operational administration, the greater part of the occasions the individuals from the supervisory group of various business association neglect to comprehend the job of operational administration and systems also. Be that as it may, the capacity of operational administration frames the lynchpin of organizations everywhere throughout the world. Considering the setting of creation and administrations also it is resolved that with the assistance of operational administration the sources of info could be proficiently changed over to viable yields (Richard et al. 2009). The intelligent standard for operational administration in Fakir Fashion Limited is as per the following: Reality rule: It has been discovered that not all the requirement hypotheses, lean standards and the Total Quality Management (TQM) could relieve all recognized association level issues. Hierarchical guideline: Manufacturing is alluded to as one of the significant arrangement of interconnected procedures (Akhter 2014). In any case, on the off chance that any kind of changes happen in a solitary procedure, on the other hand immense issue may happen. Responsibility rule: The fund chief of the authoritative administration authority chooses the complete spending that is expected to improve a whole undertaking. Task figure and stock level precision is the principle factors those are should have been considered before improving the operational administration of the article of clothing fabricating organization. Variable thought: Before sending of the venture it is fundamental for the administration power to recognize two distinct factors of the specific task and for this examination the autonomous variable is proficiency of operational administration and the reliant variable is the presentation of the business association (Dessler, Sutherland and Cole 2005). It has been distinguished that the presentation of an association is subject to the exhibition of each person. Standard for progress: In request to increase quantifiable achievement structure the serious commercial center it is important to characterize all establishes of accomplishment. Change standard: After considering both the long haul and momentary security the chief ought to introduce certain disciplinary procedure and strategies also Sourced to be utilized For improving the operational administration the sources to be utilized by Fakir Fashion Limited are as per the following: Resource improvement Procedure improvement Undertaking execution Gracefully chain the executives Client relationship the executives Stock administration Security execution Examination question How the current operational administration methodologies and apparatuses utilized in Fakir Fashion Limited could be improved? The apparatus advancements, contenders and the monetary quality of the organization are productive to the organization or not? Regardless of whether the gracefully chain the executives utilized by the organization is advantageous enough from the business points of view or not? Examination targets To distinguish the operational devices and systems those are important to improve the exhibition of Fakir Fashion Limited. To explore on the assets those ought to be used to improve the current hierarchical structure To investigate the operational components for improving the administration and execution of Fakir Fashion Limited. Meaning of the title Writing audit is alluded to as a book insightful paper that holds set of current information alongside considerable discoveries. This optional asset additionally incorporates methodological and hypothetical commitment from the trial resultant done by various creators. Be that as it may, this survey does exclude the test resultant and new reports legitimately in the paper. Significance of the title Fakir Fashion Limited, a Bangladesh based, readymade piece of clothing industry, was set up in the time of 2016, first April. According to the created rules and strategy the organization is confronting quantifiable advantages from the serious commercial center. In any case, the duties that are partitioned for all the representatives are not cultivated precisely by them, in this way the organization is confronting significant level issues from the serious market (Dessler, Sutherland and Cole 2005). So as to moderate theories issues legitimate operational administration for improving the authoritative execution of Fakir Fashion Limited are should have been actualized. Clarification of operational administration As indicated by Richard et al. (2009), these days operational administration is one of the most broadly utilized disciplinary elements for different associations. Both the outer and inner changes happening in organizations are emphatically and adversely affecting the activity of the business associations. So as to accomplish the exploration destinations of an association it is important to boost the market an incentive with upper hands with endurance systems. Then again Rubel (2015) expressed that, loads of heterogeneous exercises are remembered for the operational administration considered by a business association. These exercises are required to be reached appropriately, for example, viably and productively by thinking about the earth of the association. Spekle and Verbeeten (2014) expressed that the multifaceted nature of various business associations and operational exercises must not harm and misery the business condition. So as to arrive at the vital objectives and goals it is a lot of important to improve the item producing as far as essential administrations (Chaudhry and Faran 2015). The strategies for activity the board and authoritative maintainability ecological insurance are should have been conveyed. Upgrade of activity the executives So as to accomplish the essential objectives of the associations as far as administration and item it is important to make appropriate harmony between the information and yield of the framework. Two distinct classifications are there for inputs like material and data though; creation and administrations are the yield for the administration framework. As per Rahman and Qi (2016) asset change is alluded to as a transformation procedure, where data sources are the workers and handling hardware then again the yields are the creation and administrations. The fundamental focal point of activity the board is to fulfill the customers with vital apparatuses and innovations. Constant upper hands and propelled advertise techniques are the two principle factors those are should have been considered by the administration authority of any business association to improve their current business condition. Figure 1: Components of hierarchical execution (Source: Asgari and Hoque 2013, pp-54) Operational administration is an alluded to as blend of both craftsmanship and science that were dated in the pre industrialization stage (Akter 2016). The operational administration incorporates arranging, sourcing, financing just as item dissemination keeping up each individual components of the activity. Todays operational administration and the conventional operational administration are totally not quite the same as one another (Rahman, Hossain and Hasan 2016). So as to improve the nature of creation with top notch material and perfect innovation, various components of hierarchical execution are should have been considered by the administration authority of organizations. The complete expense and time apportioned for planning and material preparing can be diminished with appropriate operational administration (Quddus and Ahsan 2014). Determination of appropriate workshop design and imaginative reasoning are a piece of the operational administration. Operational administration of a business association incorporates the underneath standards and administrative variables: Inventive items could be planned; those are useful to make segregation between the named organization and its rivals. It gives appropriately instructed, prepared just as committed representatives those are useful to decrease the absolute time, cost and waste too (Nyakwara, Shiundu and George 2014). It offers enough money related help to the representatives and friends the board power to make profit required assets. It assists with making a totally disseminated organize for the representatives who have been working for the organization all through. Elements of operational administration As indicated by Rahim (2017) the three primary components of operational administration are sources of info, yields and change process. The contributions for readymade article of clothing fabricating organizations are data, material, staffs, buyers, office, capital help and vitality. Then again, the yields of activity m
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Romeo and Juliet theatre production Essay Example For Students
Romeo and Juliet theater creation Essay For this bit of coursework I will investigate and clarify five tense and sensational scenes from the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Utilizing these scenes I will clarify how a creation at the Globe Theater could have been introduced to the crowd of the time, to amplify the dramatization and the characterisations. Also, I will consider how crowd response and investment have changed throughout the hundreds of years with differing ways to deal with the introduction of the story. Before continuing with this paper I will presently quickly clarify a portion of the elements which correspond with the prerequisites of this article question. For instance, I will give a concise rundown of the narrative of Romeo and Juliet, a layout of certain insights concerning the Globe theater, and a short audit of the remainder of the exposition question, for instance, a portion of the variables which would impact how a creation at the Globe Theater could have been introduced to the crowd of the time, to expand the show and the characterisations. The well known story of Romeo and Juliet, in light of the account sonnet, The Tragicall History of Romeus and Juliet by Arthur Brooke is an account of two sweethearts, as the preamble broadly alludes to as A couple of star-crossd darlings, who were furtively hitched and unexpectedly isolated all through their dreadful section of their passing markd love. The Globe Theater was, in the same way as other others, for example, the Rose, the Swan and the Fortune a lasting playhouse worked in London in the Elizabethan occasions. In 1596 James Burbage, a craftsman in terms of professional career, who possessed the Theater and the Curtain Theater ran into troubles when he attempted to reestablish the ground rent of the Theater. Exchanges yielded no suitable arrangement, and James passed on, leaving his child Cuthbert to determine the issue. The last acted with brave and creative mind. With the rent due to terminate toward the finish of that year, on 28 December 1598 he had the structure disassembled by a craftsman called Peter Street and twelve laborers. It was evacuated to a real estate parcel on the opposite side of the Thames I Southwark, not a long way from the Rose. In under Eight months they constructed the Globe, the mind blowing wooden O referenced by the ensemble toward the start of Henry V. Shakespeare, one of the five players in the Chamberlains organization turned into a householder in the Globe, at the end of the day proprietor of an offer in the property. The Fortune, the Globe and the Theater had the option to suit crowds of somewhere in the range of two and 3,000. Elizabethan crowds were here and there more refined than the crowds of the twentieth century. For instance, when we go to see another play or (almost certain) another film, we hope to discover the curiosity in the activity. A portion of the circumstances might be natural; we might have the option to foresee the consummation; and the characters (who ought not be excessively not quite the same as the individuals we meet each day) may talk lines that we have heard before in different plays and movies. In any case, we do request another story. Shakespeares crowds had various desires. They were glad to be given stories that they perceived, inasmuch as the producers treatment was new and person. It is conceivable to follow a source, or sources, for all of Shakespeares plays. Some of Shakespeares plays present very notable stories-Antony and Cleopatra, for example, or the scope of plays managing the range of English history from the hour of Richard II to the rule of Henry VI. Shakespeares explores were exhaustive: as a rule there is more than one hotspot for a play. Be that as it may, this isn't the situation in Romeo and Juliet as in this play Shakespeare depends for the most part on a story sonnet, The Tragicall History of Romeus and Juliet by Arthur Brooke . The mix of interests and customs In which Elizabethan dramatization accepted, for example, components from the Roman performance center just as from Renaissance Italian and the famous Commendia dell arte, with its stock characters and half ad libbed plots, which were notable to English producers, similar to the masterful and declamatory disasters of Seneca, consolidated to make a mix of interests and conventions which gave the Elizabethan show one favorable position that no cutting edge theater has. It made show for the whole country. The uninstructed groundlings rushed to it as excitedly as the lettered supporters in the secured seats. The popular chivalrous was there however so was the enthusiastic youthful researcher previously longing for acclaim and virtuoso. In this manner, from the earliest starting point the Shakespearean show has one extraordinary opportunity; it doesn't need to channel itself to one layer of open taste. I can be lowbrow or highbrow as indicated by the requirements of its topic. Be that as it may, this isn't its lone favorable position. It has, also, the opportunity presented by the liberated creative mind. It's anything but a shopper craftsmanship yet a specialty of support. In Shakespeares day the auditorium was a craftsmanship brimming with support. In addition to the fact that it made utilization of verse, which brings the listener into a nearby association with the speaker. It additionally utilized the Ruth Draper strategy of making the crowd flexibly the visual foundation by creative mind alone. The outcome was an opportunity never again drew nearer until the start of radio show during the 1920s. Without hanging tight for (late) changes of unconvincing landscape, the activity can race starting with one nation then onto the next, from the deck of a boat to the roads of a city or from Mantua to Verona for instance. Nonetheless, crowd support was not by any means the only manner by which the observer was moved nearer as one with the speaker and passed on a more clear image of the dramatization being performed, there were numerous different elements that impacted this. For instance, the portrayals and the language utilized by the characters would play as quite a bit of a significant job in doing this. Additionally, now and again the setting, view and environment and props were incorporated to include shading and fervor, for example whirling blades in a fight scene would do this. Besides, In the sixteenth and seventeenth hundreds of years Considering the time distinction among every so often, somewhat similarly as in the auditorium today audio effects and music, made by an ensemble or hardware would have been utilized at specific focuses to futher accentuate certain characteristics of the speaker and of the dramatization being performed. I will currently clarify, how these highlights and others could have been utilized while introducing the play Romeo and Juliet to a group of people of the time at the Globe Theater to respond to the paper question. * Scene One: For my first case of a strained and emotional scene in the play, I have picked, and will allude to the preface. This is the first of the scenes in the play and is in this way significant as far as the play itself, as it puts things in place for what continues in the remainder of the exhibition. The scene is introduced to the crowd by the tune a solitary figure who isn't a character and has no character, his capacity is essentially to disclose the circumstance unmistakably to the crowd. The scene, which is moderately short, as its motivation is basically to clarify the circumstance, utilizes numerous sensational words and expressions so as to quiet an eager crowd and settle the observers into a fitting state of mind for the main scene to initiate. In the scene numerous sensational words and expressions are utilized, for example, Two family units, both the same in pride (respectable, fair), uprising (brutality), star-crossd sweethearts (disastrous darlings) and however their childrens end, nothing could expel (But nobody could stop the passings of their kids). These sensational words and expressions would not just catch the crowds eye and settle them down prepared for the principle beginning of the play to continue yet additionally upgrade the discourse made by the chorale and the portrayals of the ensemble which could additionally be re-upheld by solid, energetic non-verbal communication and expressive outward appearances, which would advance the characterisations o f the tune and show feeling for the onlookers to get and decipher for themselves as a major aspect of crowd investment in which, utilizing the data given by the Chorus the observers would, utilizing their creative mind gracefully the visual foundation and thusly, explain for themselves what had been said. I will really expound on crowd investment as this coursework advances. What's more, music and view were presented in Elizabethan and Jacobean occasions and, as in other Shakespearean plays, for example, Twelfth Night which was loaded up with tunes and especially Anthony and Cleopatra in which irregular sounds were made, for example, the clamor of an ocean battle, emotional audio effects may have been utilized at one point in the scene, either to add surface or to upgrade certain characteristics being performed. For this situation emotional audio cues may have been utilized so as to flag the finish of a preface and the initiation of the primary scene. In addition, this may have been all the more a need than an extravagance as the performance center had no blinds or power outage to show the finish of a scene or act. Likewise, Shakespeare wouldnt fundamentally have shown the parts of the bargains. In this manner, these audio cues would not just make crowd expectation and include fervor, as the observers anticipate the opening of the play, yet in addition all the more critically illuminate the crowd that the beginning of the play was initiating, moreover thusly the onlookers would not get lost between the scenes. Interims between acts were presented in the more up to date indoor theaters, while, as just referenced the outside theaters, for example, the Globe would in general play without a break. The indoor venues had a bit of leeway in that they were secured over, so exhibitions could be organized in terrible climate and they were likewise lit by candles so exhibitions could be arranged at night. Notwithstanding, the more established, amphitheater-style theaters, for example, the Globe would most likely have made a more unrivaled environment than the more up to date indoor performance centers as the crowd at theaters, for example, the Globe were presumably undeniably increasingly fluctuated, including the most extravagant and
Friday, August 14, 2020
Admissions iPhone App - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Admissions iPhone App - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Admissions iPhone App The University of Georgia Office of Undergraduate Admissions is proud to announce the release of version 1.0 of our iPhone App. This application can be downloaded for free from iTunes, and will run on any iPhone or iPod Touch. The App was developed by the UGA Admissions offices own technology team (way to go Bryan!), and allows users to access the Status Check, the UGA Transfer Equivalency database, Admissions News, UGA News, Campus Maps, UGA Sports News, and UGA People Search. To download the University Admissions iPhone App, just search for UGA Admissions in the iTunes App Store, or in the App Store utility on your Apple mobile device. We also hope to add a GPS based campus tour sometime within the next year.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Catalysis Definition in Chemistry
Catalysis is defined as increasing the rate of a chemical reaction by introducing a catalyst. A catalyst, in turn, is a substance that is not consumed by the chemical reaction, but acts to lower its activation energy. In other words, a catalyst is both a reactant and product of a chemical reaction. Typically, only a very small quantity of catalyst is required in order to catalyze a reaction. The SI unit for catalysis is the katal. This is a derived unit which is moles per second. When enzymes catalyze a reaction, the preferred unit is the enzyme unit. The effectiveness of a catalyst may be expressed using the turnover number (TON) or turnover frequency (TOF), which is TON per unit time. Catalysis is a vital process in the chemical industry. It is estimated that 90% of commercially-produced chemicals are synthesized via catalytic process. Sometimes the term catalysis is used to refer to a reaction in which a substance is consumed (e.g., base-catalyzed ester hydrolysis). According to the IUPAC, this is an incorrect usage of the term. In this situation, the substance added to the reaction should be called an activator rather than a catalyst. Key Takeaways: What Is Catalysis? Catalysis is the process of increasing the rate of a chemical reaction by adding a catalyst to it.The catalyst is both a reactant and product in the reaction, so it is not consumed.Catalysis works by lowing the activation energy of the reaction, making it more thermodynamically favorable.Catalysis is important! About 90% of commercial chemicals are prepared using catalysts. How Catalysis Works A catalyst offers a different transition state for a chemical reaction, with a lower activation energy. Collisions between reactant molecules are more likely to achieve the energy required to form products than without the presence of the catalyst. In some cases, one effect of catalysis is to lower the temperature at which a reaction will process. Catalysis does not change chemical equilibrium because it affects both the forward and reverse rate of reaction. It does not change the equilibrium constant. Similarly, the theoretical yield of a reaction is not affected. Examples of Catalysts A wide variety of chemicals may be used as catalysts. For chemical reactions that involve water, such as hydrolysis and dehydration, the proton acids are commonly used. Solids used as catalysts include zeolites, alumina, graphitic carbon, and nanoparticles. Transition metals (e.g., nickel) are most often used to catalyze redox reactions. Organic synthesis reactions may be catalyzed using noble metals or late transition metals, such as platinum, gold, palladium, iridium, ruthenium, or rhodium. Types of Catalysts The two main categories of catalysts are heterogeneous catalysts and homogeneous catalysts. Enzymes or biocatalysts may be viewed as a separate group or as belonging to one of the two main groups. Heterogeneous catalysts are those which exist in a different phase from the reaction being catalyzed. For example, solid catalysts the catalyze a reaction in a mixture of liquids and/or gases are heterogeneous catalysts. Surface area is critical to the functioning of this type of catalyst. Homogeneous catalysts exist in the same phase as the reactants in the chemical reaction. Organometallic catalysts are one type of homogeneous catalyst. Enzymes are protein-based catalysts. They are one type of biocatalyst. Soluble enzymes are homogeneous catalysts, while membrane-bound enzymes are heterogeneous catalysts. Biocatalysis is used for commercial synthesis of acrylamide and high-fructose corn syrup. Related Terms Precatalysts are substances that convert to become catalysts during a chemical reaction. There may be an induction period while the precatalysts are activated to become catalysts. Co-catalysts and promoters are names given to chemical species that aid catalytic activity. When these substances are used, the process is termed cooperative catalysis. Sources IUPAC (1997). Compendium of Chemical Terminology (2nd ed.) (the Gold Book). doi:10.1351/goldbook.C00876Knà ¶zinger, Helmut and Kochloefl, Karl (2002). Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts in Ullmanns Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. doi:10.1002/14356007.a05_313Laidler, K.J. and Meiser, J.H. (1982). Physical Chemistry. Benjamin/Cummings. ISBN 0-618-12341-5.Masel, Richard I. (2001). Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis. Wiley-Interscience, New York. ISBN 0-471-24197-0.Matthiesen J, Wendt S, Hansen JÃË, Madsen GK, Lira E, Galliker P, Vestergaard EK, Schaub R, Laegsgaard E, Hammer B, Besenbacher F (2009). Observation of All the Intermediate Steps of a Chemical Reaction on an Oxide Surface by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy.. ACS Nano. 3 (3): 517ââ¬â26.à doi:10.1021/nn8008245
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Should Capital Punishment be legal in the U.K - 1022 Words
Should Capital Punishment be legal in the U.K? A poll taken showed that 60% of citizens in the United Kingdom wanted Capital Punishment re-instated, even more people wanted it in cases of murder with Police Officers or children involved. Capital Punishment is the most severe deterrent or retribution in existence and aims to deter future obligates from committing such heinous crimes for which the death penalty would be apportioned. The principal of this being that the ââ¬Ëfuture criminalââ¬â¢ will be so afraid that the idea would be banished from their mind. This form of punishment also helps to protect society from such horrific crimes. Some Christians believe that it is more important that society is protected than the reform of theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Anyone reading the Old Testament list of thirty six capital crimes, might think that Judaism is in favour of capital punishment. However, they would be incorrect. Jewish courts very rarely imposed the death penalty; the state of Israel has abolished the death penalty for any crime that is now likely to be tried there. In recent times many Rabbis have actually taken lots of measurements to ensure that it will not happen again. Interpreting texts in t he context of Judaism s general respect for the sanctity of human life, emphasising anti-death texts such as the commandment Thou shalt not kill , interpreting texts to make them very narrow in their application, refusing to accept any but the most explicit Torah texts proposing the death penalty, finding alternative punishments, or schemes of compensation for victims families, imposing procedural and evidential barriers that made the death penalty practically unenforceable. Overall Judaism appears to be the religion most against the Capital Punishment as a whole form. Christians donââ¬â¢t have any strict rules to say that it should be forbidden and this is also the case for Muslims. Buddhism is mostly against it as ââ¬Ëpunishing an offender with excessive cruelty will injure not just the offender s mind, but also the mind of the person doing the punishing.ââ¬â¢ Another Religion which believes that peace and forgiveness should be used rather than pain and punishment isShow MoreRelatedTwo Views of Capital Punishment Essay1283 Words à |à 6 PagesCapital punishment has been a debatable subject for decades. Human thinking often ignores the equal-value relationship when it comes to the taking of life. Attention shifts from the victimââ¬â¢s life to that of the murderer. Immanuel Kant believes that moral laws apply equally, and if someone breaks the law, we should make sure that the law applies to everyone. Otherwise, there wouldnââ¬â¢t be su ch thing as morality. And without morality, life is meaningless. We should be morally strong and be able to killRead MoreThree Arguments For The Continuance of Capital Punishment Essay1740 Words à |à 7 Pagesstudent in Sociology, I humbly impart my standpoint to the Justice System regarding the case on whether or not to abolish capital punishment. There is indeed a present case as of today that one US state had declared their petition on permanently removing death penalty in the entire United States. I believe that this is a very callous appeal ââ¬â one main reason we have capital punishment is to develop a sense of morality as well as protection within the whole society, not to put such great emphasis on theRead MorePsychology : Recent Trends And Emerging Directions Essay2029 Words à |à 9 Pageshas played a major role in the American legal system, apart from the expert testimonies; the trials reveal fascinating psychological cases. The book covers issues such as false con fession, juvenile delinquency, criminal profiling, insanity, brainwashing, defense, and child custody and capital punishment. The author keeps the book educative and entertaining by elucidation the psychological and legal drama in each case. The book is insightful and relevant to legal and mental health professionals. PeopleRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?3507 Words à |à 15 Pagesstreets, the war on drugs has had the effect of increasing the level of violence in the drug trade, encouraged the development of organized crime, filled prison cells to unprecedented and beyond capacity levels, consumed huge amounts of government capital and yet has done very little to reduce the presence of these drugs within the general population or the numbers of people who make use of them. 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RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research project is doctrinal and analytical in nature. It is mainly based on secondary sources. It is chiefly based on commentaries of the Vodafone case by several legal luminaries and newspaper articles. I owe my chief source of inspiration to our respected faculty. 6 INTRODUCTION Much interest was generated in the case of Vodafone International Holdings B.V. v. Union of India1 before the Supreme Court (SC)Read MoreDrug Dependency And Drug Related Crime6861 Words à |à 28 Pagesineffective. Examples from England, Holland and several states in the U.S. such as Colorado suggest that legalization can achieve many positive effects over prohibition. By legalizing marijuana, it is possible to provide users of the drug with a safe, legal means of purchasing it, keeping them away from the criminal culture and reducing risks of violence. 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This problem also introduced the possibility of legal liability for online auction firms. Early start-ups in this space argued that they should be treated like a telephone company, so that they would not be held liable for the misbehavior of users. Unlike the U.S., where most users could use credit cards to complete transactions conveniently, ChineseRead MoreTrial by Media14404 Words à |à 58 Pageswell as from the police. At the earliest st age, the witnesses want to retract and get out of the muddle. Witness protection is then a serious casualty. This leads to the question about the admissibility of hostile witness evidence and whether the law should be amended to prevent witnesses changing their statements. Again, if the suspectââ¬â¢s pictures are shown in the media, problems can arise during ââ¬Ëidentification paradesââ¬â¢ conducted under the Code of Criminal Procedure for identifying the accused. Sometimes
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Future Me Free Essays
How I see myself in 2012 is what I believe we all want a happy and uncomplicated, A life where the economic, social, and health problems do not have place. I see myself see myself as the most successful person the world has seen. I will have graduated college, majoring in mechanical engineering in cu Denver. We will write a custom essay sample on Future Me or any similar topic only for you Order Now In CU I will meet a beautiful woman that just became a doctor. After being married for a few years we will have two kids. I want to have the perfect house, neither too big nor too small, with a pool and a very large yard where I can play soccer with my kids or have a cookout with family and friends. I also going to have a decent size pond behind the house where we could fish, swim and whatever I know all of these life successes will take a lot of time and effort. I hope my life is very different from what it is now, is not that I hate the life I have now but my parents taught me that they worked very hard to give me a better life than the one they had and I want to give the same to my future family. By getting married and having a family I believe will bring joy into my life. I believe it can bring a joy that no one can know unless they experience it for themselves. My job will be there for me to help support my family, financially but I want to be able to raise them in a good neighborhood. I want to make sure my own family is happy. It is beautiful to watch your children grow up before your eyes and this is what I want. I believe, as well as most people, that you are successful in life if you have raised a family. Iââ¬â¢m not sure of what my dream job would be but I know that it would be perfect. Being a Mechanical engineer means that I would be working with the both thing I love more motor and math and any job that mixes both would be perfect. In 2012 I hope to have enough wisdom to not get carried away by envy or lust and only pursue happiness, mine and those around me. My happiness in what I do is also a goal for me I my life. There is no way someone can become successful if they are not happy with what they are doing with their life. It is clear that to be happy you donââ¬â¢t need money or live in luxury; you need only to be happy How to cite Future Me, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Definition of Originality free essay sample
She thought that her life, her work was plagiarized by Lavery. Then she wanted to sue Frozenââ¬â¢s author. However, in ââ¬Å"The New Yorkerâ⬠, Gladwell disagreed with Lewis since Lavery just borrowed some interesting details from her then add ideas, works, etc. You might find many mistakes like this in life. People sue each other when their copyright is breached with a vague understanding about originality. However, the result they get is nothing. So what is the good way to avoid wasting our money and our time? A correct definition of originality is the answer. No one is the real creator. Originality is made by relying on other earlier acceptable facts; in other words, combining ideas and explanations about them are the main characteristics of originality. A suit was happened between McDonaldââ¬â¢s and a food store in Malaysia. McDonaldââ¬â¢s sued this storeââ¬â¢s owner because he used Mc for his storeââ¬â¢s name: McCurry. We will write a custom essay sample on Definition of Originality or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the end, McDonaldââ¬â¢s lose in this suit due to two reasons. One is that McDonaldââ¬â¢s main products are hamburgers while McCurry sells the traditional Indian food; they are completely different so consumers wouldnââ¬â¢t have any mistake in order to distinguish these two stores. Two is that Mc in McCurry means ââ¬Å"Malaysia chickenâ⬠; McDonaldââ¬â¢s canââ¬â¢t make monopoly of the word ââ¬Å"Mcâ⬠. The Malaysia food storeââ¬â¢s owner combined Mc with Curry to make a new meaning that his store serves Malaysian chicken curry in Indian style with the fast way. Then the price that the king of fast food had to pay is $2,900 for the misunderstanding of originalityââ¬â¢s meaning. People always think that originality means ideas that are made by creator and are not thought up by another person beforehand. But this thought is wrong. If it is corrected, no more mistakes would make human life being difficult. Nothing is created without basing on the earlier acceptable notions. In ââ¬Å"Intertextuality and Discourse Communityâ⬠, Porter stated that the creative writer is the creative borrower (37). What creator borrow is not important; only the new meanings which are got out from the earlier notions are matter. The Declaration of Jefferson could illustrate well this idea. From that Jeffersonââ¬â¢s writing, people can found out many traces from other document such as: First Continental Congress resolution, a Massachusetts Council declaration, etc. And, He linked these effective traces together, then, expressed his idea about the basic human right to others. Everyone does still respect Jeffersonââ¬â¢s Declaration because the meanings of his works are meaningful to not only the American but also the foreigners. According to his originality ââ¬â his borrowing creativity- a clearly definition of basic human right help everyone understand correctly what right they must have and fight for. My experience can also be a good example. When I was sixteen, I created a weird party to cure one of my best friendââ¬â¢s broken-heart. It was Pajamas Party. What will you think about whenever hearing that partyââ¬â¢s name? A party would be organized in bedroom, in night, with close friends; everyone would wear their pajamas, enjoy the scary movies, and share secrets. I come up with those ideas and added some more details to make it more interesting and unique. Candles are one of my new key for my Pajamas party. Look around and you can find out that candles could become the best choices for the spas. They uses candle to help their therapy more effective and their customers could feel completely relax. With beautiful smell, they are the good therapy to reduce the stress. Pajamas are the most comfortable cloth for human. Soft materials are always chosen to make the pajamas. Then they help our body feel completely free so our mind could be rested very easily. Moreover, time also plays an important role in my plan. From the beginning of the evening to the night, human cells stay in the most relaxing state thatââ¬â¢s why peopleââ¬â¢s mind always easygoing after a hard-working day. Then I combined all of these ideas ââ¬â night, bedroom, pajamas, music, scary movies, and candles- to make a perfect new originality for my friend. It became a good bandage for her broken heart at that time. Thus, originality is a creative borrowing. None is built up without foundation. Once again, in ââ¬Å"Intertextuality and Discourse Communityâ⬠, Porter underlined ââ¬Å"Creativeness does not consist in producing new sentencesâ⬠(37). Originality is not made by any individual. As I said in one of my example above, the ideas of Pajamas party come from my experience in life. I put them together and create a perfect originality for myself. Thatââ¬â¢s how origin is made up. In other words, human made the originality, then, by adding some ideas, individual creators make the new meanings, the new originality. People, nowadays, need to know how to understand the new meaning from creatorsââ¬â¢ work and stop judge their borrowing.
Friday, March 27, 2020
The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896 - 1940) Essays
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896 - 1940) The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896 - 1940) Type of Work: Human drama Setting New York City and Long Island; 1922 Principal Characters Nick Carraway, a young bond salesman from the Midwest, and the story's narrator Jay Gatsby, a rich, young racketeer Tom Buchanan, a wealthy playboy Daisy Buchanan, his beautiful wife, and Nick's cousin Jordan Baker, an attractive pro golfer, and the Buchanan's friend George Wilson, a gas station owner Myrtle Wilson, his wife and Tom Buchanan's mistress Story Overveiw After his return from the "Teutonic migration known as the Great War," Nick Carraway felt too restless to work selling hardware in his Midwestern home town. He moved east to New York and entered the "bond business." Settling on the lowbudget side of Long Island in West Egg, Nick rented a bungalow next door to a mysterious, wealthy man-about-town known as Gatsby. Shortly after arriving in New York, Nick was invited to dinner at the house of Tom and Daisy Buchanan on the more-fashionable side of Lon 9 Island. Nick did not know either Tom or Daisy very well, but he was Daisy's second cousin and had attended Yale with Tom. Tom led Nick into a back room of the Buchanan house, where they found Daisy talking with her friend Jordan Baker, a haughty yet beautiful young woman who appeared to be "balancing something on her chin." By the time dinner was served on the porch, some untold tension was obviously building between Tom and Daisy, which climaxed after Tom left to answer a phone call. When he did not return, Daisy stomped inside to see what was keeping her husband. Jordan hushed Nick before he could speak - she wanted to eavesdrop on the Buchanans' muffled argument. Apparently Tom had met "some woman in New York..." When Nick arrived at his apartment that evening, lie saw the figure of the reclusive Mr. Gatsby himself, who had 1. come out to determine what share was his of [the] local heavens." Nick almost called out to introduce himself to his neighbor, but something in Gatsby's manner told Nick that he was content just then to be alone. From what Nick could see, Gatsby was staring towards the city at a "single green light, minute and far away." A couple of days later, Tom invited Nick to meet his mistress. He led Nick off the commuter train into a sleazy, unkempt area filled with garbage heaps. From there, they made their way to a second- rate gas station owned by a "spiritless man" named Wilson. Under the pretext that he had a car he wanted to sell Wilson, Tom covertly arranged to meet Wilson's dowdy, plump wife, Myrtle, in New York. On the ride into the City, Myrtle, along with her sister and a few friends, sat judiciously in a train car separate from Tom's; then everyone took a taxi over to an apartment that Tom kept for his trysts with Myrtle. All that afternoon and evening the group drank whiskey and talked, while Nick tried unsuccessfully to find an excuse to leave. The party finally ended in a violent argument in which Tom broke Myrtle's nose. One of the few things Nick knew about Gatsby was that he threw lavish parties, where hundreds of people "came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars." Finally, Nick was invited to one of the affairs, where he again ran into Jordan, and they mingled with others in conversations about who exactly the curious Gatsby was; it seemed none of the guests had even had a close view of their elusive host. Rumors placed him as the Kaiser's son, or as a German spy During the War, or maybe a fugitive killer. As the party wore on, Nick and Jordan found themselves sitting at a table with a rowdy, drunken girl and a man about Nick's age. The two men began discussing their respective military service. Then Nick's new acquaintance introduced himself: he was Jay Gatsby. Much further into the evening, Jordan and Gatsbv met in private to discuss something that Jordan said she was pledged not to reveal to anyone, not even Nick, until the right time. Weeks - and several parties - later, Gatsby arranged for Nick to have tea with Jordan, where she divulged the details of her conversation with Gatsby on the night of the party: It seemed that Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan had been well acquainted before the War. Gatsby at that time was a young lieutenant waiting to go to the front, and Daisy was "just eighteen ... by
Friday, March 6, 2020
Global poverty and education
Global poverty and education In recent years, the transnational agencies launched a number of initiatives aimed at reducing worldwide poverty and improving international security. Criticizing the modernism and development theories which were used previously, the scholars made attempts to explain the major causes underlying the failure of the development efforts of the previous half a century.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Global poverty and education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Refocusing on education development as the dominant discourse helpful for achieving the rest of the development goals is one of the most decisions made by the transnational agencies recently. This paper will discuss the criticisms of the development theories, the historical context of development efforts, the role of international and non-governmental organizations in multilateral education and solutions offered by contemporary scholars to enhance the effectiveness of the launched programs. Current sociocultural perversion marginalizing the poor In modern world, all governments make efforts to not only protect their citizens, but also to ensure their access to the basic services, including those of safe drinking water, health care delivery and education. Regardless of the fact that a wide range of domestic state institutions, international agencies and non-governmental organizations launch projects to benefit the poor, the poor perceive formal services as inaccessible and ineffective. The politics of representation of the Third World has had a significant impact upon the development discourse and formation of culture and subjectivities in developing countries. Escobar (1995, p. 215) noted that the very existence and status of the Third World is currently negotiated. The term of the Third World was created as an opposite of the First World denoting the countries which consider them as developed. The term has a negative connotation and remains an important construct used by those in power. Notwithstanding the chosen definition of modernity, the Third World should not be perceived as a uniform entity, but rather as a fragmented and polarized combination of diverse regions.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Since the 1980s, resistance to development expressed by the grassroots movements was one of the strategies through which the Third World made attempts to construct their unique identities. This struggle against the intervention of international organization aimed at modernization and globalization into the domestic affairs of the Third World was fundamentally cultural (Escobar, 1995, p. 216). Another approach used for negotiating the development of the Third World was a concept of hybridization of local cultures and modernity to receive a new entity. However, this biological interpretation cannot be applied t o discussion of hybrid cultures as a combination of long-standing cultural practices and an incoming element of modernity integrated into the local cultures by transnational forces. With the advent of cyberculture and the global economic restructuring, the technologic gap between rich and poor countries has been dramatically increased. Consequently, rejecting to use some of the innovative technologies, countries of the Third World undergo the risks of becoming irrelevant to the world economy. Even though certain regions are involved into the processes of global economic integration, they remain marginalized from it benefits. As a consequence of the current state of affairs, this phenomenon is referred to as sociocultural perversion. The solution offered by Escobar (1995, p. 222) is a social reform for the Third World regions to reach the goals of technological modernization and competitive participation in the world economy with a special emphasis put upon the educational policies i n these countries. Historical context and trends in multilateralism and education The development theories have a significant impact upon the strategies implemented by transnational agencies and non-governmental organizations in relation to education policies for the developing countries. The combination of state-centric, transnationalist and structuralist theories clearly demonstrates the variety of theoretical approaches to be considered to understand multilateral cooperation and the controversy over the objectives, processes and outcomes of education.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Global poverty and education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The policy setting in UN education is a rather controversial and complicated process. According to Jones (2005, p. 23), the UN education process lacks harmony and consistency because of the multitude and diversity of educational issues around the world. Historically, educat ion concerns were included into the UN charter during a conference in San-Francisco in April ââ¬â June 1945. The lobbyist delegations from developing countries and the US-based groups were pressing for the education case which was expected to contribute to international peace and security. Whereas the process of integrating the education concerns into the UN charter was rather smooth, the question of whether to establish a specialized agency focusing on education remained doubtful. In the year 1948, education was included into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a part of the UN program aimed at promoting peace and interdependence between the states on the global level. The entry of education as a multilateral concern into the programming of transnational agencies resulted in economic justification of education and consideration of the correlation between poverty of certain regions and the quality and accessibility of education programs there. Political multilateralism and economic multilateralism are the two major lines of thinking which had a significant impact upon the UN education programming. The goals of the global economic integration and governance were central to the multilateralism pathways chosen by the UN for promoting peace and security in the world. The links between material progress, security and modernization strategies have become explicit. Jones (2005, p. 31) stated that the circumstances on the international arena were favorable for this way of thinking. Since the mid 1980s, neo-liberalism theories influenced educational theories and became major concerns in educational policies and practices. Discussing the issues of the complexity and diversity of educational system, Jones (2005, p. 42) used the term of structured anarchy to emphasize the collaboration and competition among the variety of the UN education agencies.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The main principles which were prevalent in the organization of the UN education since the year 1945 when education concerns were included into the UN chart included globalization, security and multilateralism. The complex interplay of these principles was responsible for the education for all movement. The international organizations in construction of multilateral education Within the recent decades, the multilateral agencies, including those of the World Bank, UNICEF, UNESCO and UNDP, have been playing an important role in structuring the world education agenda. These agencies played a dominant role in formulating the International Development Targets (IDTs) and following Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which became the basis for the education policymaking. According to Rutkowski (2007, p. 244), the main reason for which the international organizations had impact upon the education agenda on local, national and global levels was softness of the implemented strategies. At the World Conference on Education for All which took place in 1990 in Jomtien (Thailand) invited 155 national delegations from different countries a framework on providing access to basic education for citizens of all countries was shaped. According to King (2007, p. 379), the themes raised during that World Conference focused mainly on basic education associated with primary schooling. Moreover, regardless of the precise goals and time-bound target, the Jomtien Declaration and Framework were not prescriptive and were not shared by all countries. Ten years later after the World Conference in Jomtien, in the year 200, the World Forum on Education for All was held in Dakar. By this moment, it became clear that the target of achieving the universal primary education as it was outlined by Jomtien Framework within ten years was unrealistic. Six Dakar Targets were formulated at this Forum for expanding and improving access to primary education for children belonging to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged categories and ensuring gender equality in education. Just a few months after Dakar Forum, eight Millennium Development Goals were formulated at the global summit in New York. According to King (2005, p. 386), the peculiar feature of the Millennium Declaration was formulation of strict timelines for the targets related to the south and the absence of any time limitations in resolutions related to the north. The Millennium Declaration did not pay proper attention to the financial basis necessary for the realization of the offered targets. With its financing impact and the political force, the World Bank can be regarded as one of the strongest players in the sphere of multilateral education. Regardless of the fact that the World Bank as a UN specialized agency is better understood as a financial institution dedicated to borrowing and lending money, its political influence on the development strategies is obvious. Regardless of the fact that education is only a minor con cern of the World Bank and the annual reimbursements dedicated to this area do not exceed 10 per cent of the overall expenses, it addresses a wide range of education issues and is prominent in multilateral education. A significant contribution made by the World Bank to the global education agenda was the resurrection of interest in higher education which can be seen from the joint initiative of the bank and UNESCO, referred to as the task force on higher education and society (TFHES) (Jones, 2005, p. 135). Notwithstanding the significance of the World Bank and other international agencies, these were only a few players affecting the multilateral education agenda. The role of non-governmental organizations in realization of development projects The Western definition of modernity, according to which certain societies are recognized as more modern and developed than others and obtaining resources and knowledge to assist other les developed nations in achieving modernity, has criticize d as Western universalism. Elu and Banya (1999, p. 183) stated that this definition was used by the north or the so-called First World for inclusion of the southern societies into the north-dominated world. In the context of post-modern critiques, the diversity and complexity of the global development activities has increased resulting in proliferation of external and internal non-governmental organizations. As it has been mentioned earlier, regardless of all the efforts to reach the most disadvantaged groups of population, the formal services are still perceived as inaccessible by the poor (Narayan, 2000, p. 120). It is one of the reasons for which a growing number of aid agencies were turned into non-governmental organizations which can be more effective for launching the development projects and leading the resources to the poor. The other reasons for these changes are the growing interest among agencies in strengthening the developmental roles of institutions outside the public sector and the demonstrated potential of non-governmental organizations to reach the poor more effectively than the public agencies do. Therefore, the popularity of the non-governmental organizations as cost-effective alternatives to public development resources has grown. Elu and Banya (1999, p. 187) stated that Northern non-governmental organizations were frequently used for transferring the cultural awareness, values and patterns from the countries providing technical and financial assistance to the developing countries as recipients of this aid. Applying this perspective to the estimation of the role of non-governmental organizations, it can be stated that these establishments are frequently perceived as products of governments using them as temporary mediators for achieving specific political goals and expanding their influence. However, as it can be seen from example of African voluntary development organizations, southern countries do not remain passive recipients of the aid provided by northern states, but create their local non-governmental organizations as a response to the African needs. Then, the question of theoretical and practical relationships between external donors and the locally-based organizations is posed. According to Elu and Banya (1999, p. 190) a partnership between the northern and southern non-governmental organizations would be the most appropriate approach to enhancing the effectiveness of initiatives launched by both parties. Regardless of the obvious benefits of potential collaboration, the partnership between the rich north and impoverished locally-based organizations is associated with a number of dilemmas. Because of the inequality of resources, expectations and motivations of the actors, the effective partnership between the north and south non-governmental organizations is not achieved even though in theory the organizations agree that mutual relationship would be advantageous for them. Effective solutions for the education agenda The ineffectiveness of the initiatives launched by multilateral organizations can be explained with the lack of attention paid to the specifics of the education sectors in developing countries. A detailed education sector analysis can be an effective tool for empowering reform and development through the vast majority of studies did not address the issues of the sector structure in the context of the aid relationship. The need to simultaneously address multiple high priority goals, including those of improved healthcare and education appeared to be an unresolvable tension for Africa and other developing countries. Insufficient analysis of the specifics of situation in different countries significantly reduces the effectiveness of the programmes and initiatives. According to Samoff (1999, p. 270), the main conclusion made by studies addressing the problems of education in postcolonial Africa is that the educational system is in crisis without specification of the underlying pr ocesses and the most influential factors affecting it. The limited national control over the education sector analysis and insufficient sense of national ownership reduce the credibility and opportunities for the practical application of existing studies. The implementation of development strategies in specific locations can have a number of unexpected and even paradoxical consequences. For example, according to Pigg (1997, p. 259), the development implementation in Nepal was rather complex and had a number of local quirks. Thus, the highly trained Nepalese health care practitioners were unwilling to work in the countryside, whereas by providing training to the village practitioners, the development strategy increased their ambitions and enabled them to move to the urban areas. These unexpected consequences were not predicted before the launch of the initiative and prove the importance of conducting a thorough research of the local setting before the development implementation. Simi lar concerns were raised by Demerath (2003, p. 137) who pointed out at the shifts in the social attachments and ideologies of individuals after their enrollment into the training programs which are a part of development initiatives. In other words, a careful sector analysis can be an effective tool for enhancing the effectiveness of the education agendas and other development programs. Analyzing the main reasons for the failure of the global development efforts over the decades, it can be stated that the enhanced partnership between a wide array of aid organizations and a more serious consideration of the peculiar features of certain settings is important for eliminating the deficits in the programs and enhancing the effectiveness of initiatives. Coxon and Munce (2008, p. 148) stated that external aid donating organizations can threaten the local ideas of what education programs should be. For this reason, indicating global patterns of power and influence, policy makers should consi der the specifics of local cultures and pay more attention to the opportunities of enhanced partnership among the different aid donating organizations. Conclusion Analyzing the criticisms of the main development theories and initiatives, it can be stated that the lack of attention to the specifics of the situation in developing countries and lack of partnership between different agencies are among the main underlying causes of the failure of the development efforts of the previous decades. Therefore, the emphasis on education-development relationship, education sector analysis and enhanced partnership between different agencies are important for improving access to education, reducing the world poverty and enhancing international security. References Coxon, E. and Munce, K. (2008) The global education agenda and the delivery of aid to Pacific education. Comparative Education, 44(2), pp. 147 ââ¬â 165. Demerath, P. (2003) Negotiating individualist and collectivist futures: Emergin g subjectivities and social forms in Papua New Guinea high schools. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 34 (2), pp. 136 ââ¬â 157. Elu, J. and Banya K. (1999) Non-governmental organizations as partners in Africa: A cultural analysis of North-South relations. In K. King and L. Buchert (eds) Changing international aid to education: Global patterns and national contexts. Paris: UNESCO Publishing, pp. 182 ââ¬â 206. Escobar, A. (1995) Conclusion: Imagining a postdevelopment era. In A. Excobar Encountering development. The making and unmaking of the third world. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 212 ââ¬â 247. Jones, P.W. (2005) Education, multilateralism and the UN. In P.W. Jones The United Nations and education. Multilateralism, development and globalization. London and New York: Routledge Falmer, pp. 94 ââ¬â 136. King, K. (2007) Multilateral agencies in the construction of the global agenda on education. Comparative Education, 43 (3), pp. 377 ââ¬â 391. Nara yan, D. (2000) Can anyone hear us? Voices of the poor. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-126. Pigg, S.L. (1997) Found in most traditional societies: Traditional medical practitioners between culture and development. In F. Cooper and R. Packard (eds) International development and the social sciences. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 259 ââ¬â 290. Rutkowski, D. (2007) Converging us softly: How intergovernmental organizations promote neoliberal educational policy. Critical Studies in Education, 48 (2), pp. 229 ââ¬â 247. Samoff, J. (1999) Education sector analysis in Africa: Limited national control and even less national ownership. International Journal of Educational Development, 19, pp. 249 ââ¬â 272.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Ethics in Accounting and Corporate Accounting Scandals Research Paper
Ethics in Accounting and Corporate Accounting Scandals - Research Paper Example The suggested course of action by the companies is also recommended in order to prevent unethical practices that lead to corporate scandals and eventual bankruptcy of the organizations. Introduction The accounting practices are based on the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Apart from the rule base practices, the importance of principle based practices have emerged in the field of accounting. This is due to the corporate scandals that have occurred over the years. These corporate scandals establish a link with the unethical practices in accounting. In different countries, the accounting practices are guided by different laws like the tax law in Germany, accounting law in Sweden, company law in USA, etc. The unethical practices in accounting have not only resulted into bankruptcy of the companies but also eroded the wealth of the investors. International Financial Reporting Standards, Sarbanes-Oxley Act have been implemented in order to prevent the unethical accounting practic es and subsequent corporate scandals. ... The accountability is much greater as compared to the compensation received for their role in accounting domain. The most important part of accounting is the code of ethics that is to be followed as a professional in this field. This leads to the concept of ethics in accounting (Duska, Duska andà Ragatz, 2011). Accounting ethics is a part of applied ethics which relates to the moral values and judgments that are applied in the role of accounting. The concept of accounting ethics was first introduced by Luca Pacioli, an Italian mathematician which was later endorsed by the government departments and even the private organizations. The training modules conducted by the companies while training the accountants and auditors include accounting ethics as an integral part. The wide range of accounting services and the news on the fall of big corporate houses like Enron have triggered an importance of following code of ethics in accounting field. Due to fraudulent accounting practices, mal -intention on the part of accountants, auditors and the management, the profession of accountants and the subjects of accounting have been badly criticized. Also the losses incurred by the companies due to unethical practices in accounting field have blown out of proportions (McPhail andà Walters, 2009). In order to avoid the similar devaluation of companies and bankruptcy in future, the institutions irrespective of government and private entities have stressed on the importance of accounting ethics and proper implementation of ethical practices by their accounting departments. The lack of ethical accounting leads to fraudulent accounting practices in the companies which may be due to manipulated or
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Do Computers Increase Or Decrease Social Connection Essay
Do Computers Increase Or Decrease Social Connection - Essay Example The information communication technologies have helped in shaping the thoughts and actions in ways that affected the lives of people directly. The discovery of voice over internet protocol has made it possible to make internet calls effectively. The society has learnt to view new machines, not as mere products to be purchased, but facilitators of a larger system. This is determined by how usable the machines are in meeting the expectations of the society. The meaning attached to machines or technological innovations has to make life easier for them to be relevant to the mainstream society. Historians argue that new machines are not necessarily coercive agents that force people into social changes. However, in the recent past, the innovations in the information communication technology have had a coercive effect in the social aspect of communication. A compelling example in the impact of social media in the presidential complains in the United States of America. The social media have played a significant role in the success of the Arab spring. The strength of connectivity that has come from the latest information technologies cannot be underestimated2. Computers are viewed as agents of office efficiency. However, it is argued that computers have been known to cause eye problems, back disorders and time wastage in case of software failure. According to the American manufacturing association, of the organizations that reduced staff due to computerization, 24 per cent suffered losses while 43 per cent raised profits3. Through technology, people can study degree programs and attend classes in a virtual atmosphere. A lecturer can teach a class of people with is in different parts of the globe. However, online learning cannot... This paper approves that technology means different things to different social groups. The owners of the supercomputers are estimated to be in different social levels with the owners of desktop computers. The owners of supercomputers are perceived to be established and engaged in high level technological operations. There are characteristics that determine the likability of technology or computing. The more they are adopted, the more they develop their usefulness. This is mostly manifested in the network technologies. The selling point of technologies must be the ease to adopt and the relevance in the immediate usage. There has been an observation that after people adopts a technology, they develop with it. They upgrade as the technology upgrades, and it becomes hard to switch them to another technology. This report makes a conclusion that media ideologies about one medium affect the media ideologies about the other media. Face book and tweeter have had a substantial effect in the way different groups communicate. The social media users are able to send messages and share information in real time. Recent developments have seen the social media empowered to facilitate video calls. It is not clear whether social media is an official method of communication. However, the weight of the messages passed on social media depends on the groups involved and the intended message. Small changes in technology can end up changing the ways in which people circulate information. Technology is rapidly tilting towards improved connectivity. Smartphone is now a means of communication and internetworking. Most scholars talk about new forms of emerging connection technologies, which have been built upon the existing technologies.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Diversity Management In Coca Cola
Diversity Management In Coca Cola With the globalization of trade and investment, organizations are increasingly faced with diversity in their workforce. Firm gets more internationalized, both with implantation abroad and by trade with companies in different countries. With the rapid progress in the field of communication it is now possible to meet in real time with people of different nationalities around the same project. These changes lead to complex relationship with new clients, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders of cultures. The rebirth of the influence of intercultural in management is in fact quiet recent. Whatever your work, the meeting of different cultures is a daily reality in a growing number of companies. In fact many companies have indeed understood the cultural diversity of their customer, which called diversity in the ranks of their own employees. This diversification strategy of human international resources in company is to better meet the expectations of its customers, to enhance its brand image and its legitimacy, a vital condition if it wants to remain competitive. Moreover diversity allows increasing productivity and innovation making easier the resolution of problems. Diversity leads to ethnicity, and ethnic diversity implies heterogeneity in languages, religions, races and cultures. If years ago we talked about multidisciplinary team which aggregate different professionals skills, the differences are now more prominent in multicultural team. Multicultural teams require close collaboration between individuals belief, value, and opposite behavior. The difficulties for the team increase since the differences are not only about professional dimensions but also about values and individuals standards. It is necessary to precise that kind of intercultural relationship can also be a source of incomprehension, misunderstanding, and can quickly cause tension. In this configuration the role of the manager is not only to perform his own work but also to both prevent damage and ensure harmony in his team in matter to increase the efficiency. Consequently, the effective composition or diversity of teams and the way to manage them has become an interesting topic of research in the last few years. THE MULTICULTURAL TEAM: WHAT IS IT? Multiculturalisms notion As a concept and policy, multiculturalism has been developed in the United States and Canada. It refers to the institutional recognition of multiple cultural identities, ethnic or social within the same society. It recognizes the legitimacy of these identities, their ability to transform, and rejects the assimilation process which is generally called principle of monoculturalism. Multiculturalism is a major social phenomenon, both a source of enrichment and conflict, especially in a world of globalization with high mobility generated including migration, legal or not. Of course, our world is multicultural. Nowadays, almost all countries are multicultural, due to migration and the symbolic presence of other cultures (such as consumerism, individualism and materialism). Many individuals are also multicultural. To have an example, we can take the case of the inhabitants of Eastern Spain which are fully bilingual in Spanish and Catalan, two languages à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬ ¹Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬ ¹of the Iberian Peninsula. In our business case, multiculturalism refers to a community or a team with members which have different cultures. We talk about cultural diversity. Multiculturalism focuses on two important points which are interactions and communication between the various cultures in order to achieve a common goal and to be efficient (among others) Definition of a multicultural team Before giving a definition of multicultural team we should see what a team is. A team: it may be defined as a collaboration of two or more people who work together to achieve common goals. A team is a set of characters having complementary specific skills united by one or several common objectives among which each feels mutually responsible. According to Mister Schermerhorn (Managing organizational behavior author), a team: Is a natural phenomenon within the organization Has a beneficial effect on the individuals and the organization Stimulates the innovation and the creativity Allows, in different situations, a better decision-making Obtains from members that they make a commitment to apply the decisions which are taken in common. Teams are good for both organizations and their members, helping to accomplish important tasks and to maintain a high-quality workforce. A teamwork: A teamwork is collaboration between internal or external actors to the company to reach a common goal. The conception of these teams can answer different objectives: decision-making, development of activities, coordination à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ With a working team, company can: Problems solving Accomplish tasks faster Healthy competition Developing Relationships Teamwork has many advantages such as the effect of synergy, motivation or support. These effects resulted from good exchanges between colleagues. In a team work, everybody brings its own qualities and skills. It permits to the team to be more efficient in a work. With a team, it is also easier to generate creativity through sharing skills and ideas of each. However, its members must be mindful of the importance of internal communication, time management and especially respect for others. Teamwork requires a lot of patience and take into account the opinions and advice of other members. To define what a multicultural team is, we must first understand the difference between this team and the monocultural team. In a monocultural team, members arise from the same social and cultural context. They share the same values, style of communication and language. Generally, they also have the same management. It is not really the same thing in a multicultural team. Indeed, in this type of team, members come from various cultural contexts, different country. Members have fewer elements in common compare to a monocultural team. Due to their nationality and thus their culture, they dont have the same perception of the teamwork. This difference can have an important impact on the organization. The work with this type of team can be factor of productivity. However, if the team is not well managing, this work can also drive to differences of opinion, tensions and conflicts. These points will be developed a little further in the report. (See section II.1 and II.2) Different type of team. Multicultural team is a general term, but to be more precise we can define different type of multicultural team. Token team : In this case, everybody has the same nationality, the same culture and speaks the same language, except one. This can turn out to be a problem because this one will not have necessarily same interpretation, same solutions as the other teams members. Being in minority, this person is not sure that his opinion has a lot of impact. Bicultural team : Only two cultures are present in this team. This type of team is formed generally following a fusion, an alliance or following a joint-venture. A bicultural team has very often a big potential of synergies but also conflicts because there is always a part which want to be in a strong position. This one is then going to impose more its ideas, strategies, working mode and its language. Feelings of superiority and inferiorities are frequent, as well as a competition between both. It is necessary to be careful to set up clear and accepted rules of functioning by all the team members and to appoint a leader who has a big multicultural sensibility to well manage the team. Multicultural team: It is about the most current shape. The members come from at least three different cultures. Contrary to the bicultural teams, the problem of power and the competition is less important. The members propose a multitude of ideas, strategies and working modes and seem to adapt more easily. We often speak about intercultural courtesy. A common language (generally English) and a leader (often stemming from the culture of the warehouse) are more easily chosen and accepted. Virtual Multicultural Team: Traditionally teamwork is together, at the same time, at the same place. People physically meet. Now with the new technologies of information and communication, in particular Internet, the teams work at a distance on a precise project and can so gather resources, skillsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ the whole without moving! Thats why they are called virtual multicultural team. The main benefits to the organization are initially greater efficiency due to economies of transport, reducing office space, or the reduced cost in labor when wages are adjusted to the local market. Another advantage is having access to a pool of human resources who are familiar with the areas in which they operate. On the organizational level, the most important problem is certainly the loss of synergy that usually results by exchanges between colleagues. Performance is not always there: skills and knowledge are more easily scattered. The team development is an additional challenge due to the distance and lack of contact between the members. On the individual level, learning opportunities, often related to sharing experiences with others, are reduced in a virtual operation. It allows also a considerable saving of time. We say that with this social structure the 24 hours of day can be completely used. Indeed, the Japanese manager who will have worked 8 hours on the project can then pass on it to his colleague in Spain. He will spend also 8 hours there and to pass on the whole to the American colleague, which, when he will have finished, will pass on transmit again his work to the Japanese colleague. Thanks to the time difference! How build your team? A multicultural team is more effective than a monocultural one, but you will have to pick different profiles or your team will be inefficient. The planner: he will bring his methods to make the team effective. He will be able (when its needed) to refocus the debates and the goals. The federator: he will unify the team and use every skill at its best. The innovator: he will suggest ideas to the group and propose original solutions. The network member: he will help the team by using his external partners. The impartial member: he will analyze and evaluate ideas, and he will be critical. The facilitator: he will listen to his mates, make the work easier by increasing communication, and keep cohesion when the team is in troubles. The guarantor: he will maintain the team on its goal and prevent from mistakes. The motor: he will be dynamic and focus the attention on the main issues. You dont have the obligation to have one of each in your team, bu you have to be sure that you have varied profile. When you decide to build up a multicultural team, you will have to wonder some questions, and try to answer, taking into account specificities of your colleagues. At the beginning, you will have to define your goal, what is it, how precisely you have to reach it, what are the objectives, how can you measure themà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ by taking into account specificities: some person will focus on goals, others on process, some may have more consideration for status other will look at skills,à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ You also have to focus on your priority: time, quality, or budget. After that you have to structure the mission and fix the matter of agenda, the importance of deadline (are they fixed? Does it matter if there a lateness? What happens if deadline are not respected?), the role of every member (Should there be a leader? How should he be chosen? Who needs to be at which meeting?). This was for the creation of your team. Then you will have to manage it, you will have to choose the time you will take to social activities and workshops to build the team spirit, which is the language of your group (and how you deal with the gap of knowledge in this language). To perform your group to work effectively you have to promote some means of communication and the computing format you are waiting for. You also have at the deal with conflicts as a manager: why are there conflict? Who are the protagonists? At the end of your mission you will have to evaluate performances of your team. You have to decide when you will do it, how you will take account feedback, how you show them your report (individually, or not) To answer all these questions you have to know how they are usually working: the size of the hierarchy, if they are always working all together or if they are sharing work and then working on their ownà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ You have to understand the way they follow rules, the importance they tend to human contact, if they are more individual collective. THE PROS CONS OF A MULTICULTURAL TEAM Why to set up a multicultural team? The first reason is to answer to the evolution of our world economic. Everybody knows that the internationalization became major for the companies which wish to remain in the competition. Be present on a new market, to merge with other companies, to develop joint venture on unknown territories à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ here is so many reasons which incite the company to master the cultural dimension. Furthermore, we note that the pressure of the environment and the competition encourages companies to turn to the international by hiring employees who come from diverse countries and have different culture. Indeed, many are the companies which have to go out of their national frame to face a strong competition and to develop their activities. Companies so gradually became multicultural groups where express themselves the social and cultural characteristics of the diverse nationalities which compose it. One of the main advantages of the cultural diversity would be the obtaining of synergies due to the creative mix of the various cultural approaches in the resolution of given problems (technical, commercial, human). Studies showed that the multicultural teams often allow a better resolution of problems considered as complexes, thanks to their cultural diversity. The cultural diversity becomes consequently a fundamental axis of the management of companies. Multicultural teams constitute a strategic force. They allow combining and developing synergies with a view to progress, original solutions in terms of strategies and skills. Innovation and anticipating changes are at the heart of the achievements of multicultural teams. In an optical marketing, multicultural teams develop a facility to adapt to the local markets evolution as well as political and legal differences. (By contacting the specific cultural) Theory. At first, there is this equation: Actuel productivity = potential productivity losses due to faulty process When you manage a multicultural team, the potential productivity is higher than a regular team, and the potential productivity is also constant. What the manager can influence is the losses due to faulty process; this one only depends on the manager skills. If he fails to make his team work as one, losses due to faulty process will be higher than the increase of the productivity linked to the multicultural aspect. How do cultural differences improve the competitiveness of a company? Different points of view lead to different opinion First of all, diversity team have different cultures and different ways of mind, thats why they will settle issues faster than usual teams, especially when these problems are complex. When they every member of an multicultural team meet each other, they have to open their mind to accept their differences and to go through to build relationships. Thats why they will also fit faster with new components and new issues: because they are more open to originality. Due to their varied backgrounds members will create more ideas, more inventive alternatives, more arguments. As a manager of a globalized company you should also notice that multicultural team will make product that will fit to all your clients (from China to Europe, and South America) Different point of view avoid groupthink Furthermore, diversity able a team to avoid Groupthink which is a major source of ineffectiveness in a team: Groupthink is the fact that every body in a team think in the same way. This kind of team will have neither creativeness nor originality. They are many symptoms of groupthink: overestimating the teams power and morality, closed mindedness, pressure toward uniformity Compared with monocultural team, multicultural counterparts are less likely to engage in this counterproductive behavior because they will note subconsciously limit their mind, or if they do so, they would not have the same limit since they dont have the same culture. Groupthink leads to many problems. Self censoring: people wont express their ideas if there are too innovative, in order to stay in the majority and in the consensus. An illusion of unanimity: since every member will think that his colleagues are sharing his point of view; they wont be any debate and no exchange of ideas. The team wont be able to take into consideration every detail, every risk, every weakness of a new project and it will lead to a failure. People may also feel more pressure on their shoulder which will create stress and less efficiency. What are the difficulties? At first, when you create your team, you have to build the team to create a spirit between your teammates. Its the most difficult parts and the most important one, if you succeed then your team will be very efficient but if you fail, you will have to deal with mistrust, miscommunication, and stress. How to build up a team spirit? When you build up an multicultural team, you will have to face stereotypes and clichà ©s. If you dont want it to poison your team and make it unable to work united, you will have to do things to make your co-worker trust each other. The first thing is to make your member meet each other, talk to each other, open their mind to other culture and make them accept differences. We are always using more distance communication like phone and email. Some members of your team may see each other only twice a year. But it is really important to make them speech together, because its much harder to build a relationship through electronic devices. Some managers may find it useless to waste time just to chat about our life, but you better have to lose a few hours now than many days later (because you chain of command failed,à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦). This time of speech may also help the manager (aka you) to understand the habits of work of his colleagues. The relation they have with their boss, the way they take decisions, the way they try to reach their goalsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ If you want to be a good manager and to understand their acts, you have to know these things. Otherwise you may get angry at one of your team member for no reaso n (like Gavin in the video who ask his Chinese colleagues to hurry up, but it is his boss that he should have asked). Every culture has a different value of the time and its implication, the influence of authority, different behavior toward riskà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ To build your team you can use several tools: Workshop: to make people speech to each other about value they share, or hobbies they have in common. Its important for them to see that they have similarities. But avoid some conflict themes like religion, politics, and dont talk about work. Serious game: As its a game, people will have less pressure on their shoulders, but they will learn to work as a team, they will solve problems (even if its not real cases). And its also a way (for the manager) to know the role of each member of the team (who naturally try to lead, who is the facilitatorà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦) and it will be useful for the rest of the mission (to delegate work more efficiently). Outside activities: many companies offer activities their employees (week end of fishing, or trip to a ski stationà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦). For most of them its even obligatory to do their assertiveness training every year. Advantages of these activities are that they make people meet out of work, with no pressure, just to talk about their life, so they will understand their colleagues more easily and their work will be improved. On the other side these activities are very expensive, but manager should take into consideration benefits due to an increase of productivity after these activities. During these activities, your goal is to create links between your teammates, but you should take care to downward slides: dont take any risk of accidents, incidents arising from alcohol, romantic relations between staff (whether extra-marital or not)à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ If you dont succeed to build up your team spirit it will lead you to other problems. Problems of mistrust are generally due to a poor knowledge of your team member. If you dont know enough his culture it will lead to misunderstanding. Since he is from a different country with a different background, he also has other habits and you should take it into account and not consider it as if it was the reaction of someone of your own culture (for example, when an Indian is acknowledging authority, he is looking down, what European and American can perceive as a lack of trustworthiness). Risks link to mistrust are a bad communication between member, an inaccuracy of stereotypes, and it will lead to less efficiency in your team. In your team, people from the same country may speak their native language when they are together, but as the manager, you have to be sure about the common language of your team. To avoid problems of miscommunication you have to be sure that every document is in the same language. You also have to be sure that people dont stay with those from the same country. These two worries will make the team less efficient as the team will be split in many pieces. This could slow the information between every member of the team; you will have translation problems and redundancies due to a lack of communication. Finally, as an international manager you have to be sure that all these methods and way to work doesnt stress your partners. Some people, who dont have the habits to work in a multicultural team, may feel a bit overwhelmed. Stress may also be linked to a lack of integration of its members. Then, they might have the feeling to work alone or perceive the other members as competitors. This would imply counterproductive behavior (such as retention of information) or tension between your team mates Hofstedes cultural dimensions theory We will now talk about Geert Hofstede a social psychologist and a Dutch anthropologist who study the interactions between cultures. He has been awarded many times for his research on the interactions between cultures in the world. One of his achievements is the establishment of a theory of cultural dimensions provides a evaluation of the differences between nations and cultures. According to him, there is nothing like a universal management method or management theory, valid throughout the world. The theory was one of the first that could be quantified, and could be used to explain observed differences between cultures. It has inspired a number of other major cross-cultural studies of values, as well as research on other aspects of culture, such as social beliefs. Hofstede has found most of its data on cultural values through global surveys conducted by IBM, an American company specializing in technology and consulting. The theory is based on the idea that the value can be placed on six cultural dimensions: Power distance: Power distance is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. This dimension analyses the feelings of people. A low score in power distance indicates a culture expects and accepts that power relations are democratic and that its members are perceived as equal. A high score means that the members of society who have less power accept their condition and realize the existence of a form of hierarchical position. Individualism vs collectivism: The degree to which individuals are integrated into groups. This dimension has no political connotations and makes more reference to the group than the individual. Individualistic cultures give importance to the achievement of personal goals. In collectivist society, the groups goals and well-being have greater value than the individual. Uncertainty avoidance index: a societys tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. This dimension measures how a company handles situations unknown, unexpected events and anxiety about change. Cultures that have a high index are less tolerant in term of change while companies whose index is low are more open to change, have fewer rules and laws, and guidelines are more flexible. Masculinity vs femininity: The distribution of emotional roles between the genders. This dimension measures the level of importance a culture places to male stereotypes values such as confidence, ambition, power and materialism, as well as feminine stereotypes values such as the emphasis on human relations. Long-term orientation vs short term orientation: called Confucian dynamism. In the long term: values oriented towards the future, as to save money and be persistent. Short term: values oriented towards the past and the present, like respect for tradition and fulfilling its social commitments. Pleasure vs moderation: This dimension measures the ability of a culture to meet immediate needs and personal desires of its members. To understand management in a country, you should have the knowledge and empathy with the local society as a whole. However, the point of the unique statistical study that Hofstede conducted should warn everyone that people in other countries may think, feel, and act very differently, even when they are confronted with basic problems. Hofstede emphasizes that cultural dimensions are only a framework for evaluating a given culture, and guide to a better HOW TO MANAGE A MULTICULTURAL TEAM? Multicultural Managements notion The difference between people has always existed even if all of them come from the same country. For example even in a small country like France, you can feel diversity. People from the north can be easily compared with German people, and the ones that live in the south have a whole different mentality that can fit with the Spanish one. And that can also be found in a smaller range, just like a family! Everyone isnt the same, there are male/female and among these two parts, you can also find diversity if you look the characteristic of each individuals, it can be very different. You can take the example of teachers. They are dealing with young people, and they can come from all around the world as easily as if they belonged to the neighborhood. It could be that most of them are too young to have already a strong culture and strong differences, but the teacher can already feel it. After all its a management job too! In fact, multicultural management -that is more global- is the same as in monocultural management -neighborhood student- with even more diversity because difference rate can increase a lot, when we put together people that come from all around the world. As already said before, if you have to deal with people with a high rate of diversity, you will need to prevent all the problems that could come from the origin of stereotypes that comes from every culture. Thats why, if someone ask us what is Multicultural team management is really about. We wont hesitate saying that it is about Management! Once we have agreed with that, we can focus on the diversity/Multicultural side of it. And now we will talk about some key points that need to be correctly filled to work efficiently in multicultural groups. Or in other words, what behavior should have a good Multicultural manager. What vision a good Multicultural Manager should have ? To work efficiently with a multicultural group and having the best productivity, the manager should follow some different rules. His attitude is essential for the best cohesion in the team. Human Resources should never judge the new potential employee according to a physical aspect. It has been proved that judging physically the people in a team wont maximize the effectiveness of the group. This service should not judge the people according to his origin, but only on his abilities. To maximize team effectiveness, members should be selected homogeneous in ability level (thus facilitate accurate communication) and heterogeneous in attitudes (thus ensuring a wide range of solutions to problems) Its called the Task-Related Selection. Indeed you can compare that effect to the effect of Synergy. Synergy in terms of management and in relation to team working refers to the combined effort of individuals as participants of the team. Positive or negative synergy can exist. The condition that exists when the organizations parts interact to produce a joint effect that is greater than the sum of the parts acting alone. ( Thus to sum up in an example, according to what is written upper, it would be a great idea to bring people that have nothing in common to work as a team to get the biggest variety of characteristics. Such as a team composed with: Physically Differences: boys, girls, young, old, pretty and ugly Background Differences: Asian, European, American and African. Values/Opinion Differences etc. However, as strange as it can seems in the first hand, people should maximize their cultural difference in the team. Be careful that team should not act as if the team was a monocultural one. Indeed, If diversity is ignored it will lead to a dead-end and the productivity will be lower. The manager has to form all of the people in the group to avoid ignorance of the cultural difference and so lead them
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